Friday, October 28, 2011

Hairfinity vitamins: risks of toxicity

I showed recently that some vitamins in Hairfinity have percent daily values higher than 100%.

- Vitamin A; 163%
- Vitamin C: 167%
- Vitamin B1: 294%
- Vitamin B-2: 333%
- Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid)= 1000%
- Vitamin B-6: 250%
- Vitamin B-12: 333%
- Biotin: 833%

What will be the consequences on the body?

The vitamins B (B-1, B-2; B-5; B-6; B-12; Biotin) are are water-soluble,
that are relatively non-toxic. The body will excrete the substance before harmful levels are reached.

Vitamins C: Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and like the B-complex vitamins, it cannot be stored in the body for a long period of time. If you take too much then your body will simply gets rid of the excess.

Vitamins A: Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. That means it gets stored in your body (mostly in your liver), then taking too much Vitamin A is something to be careful of. Vitamin A overdose can be harmful to bones and skin, causing weakness and brittleness, even leading to fatigue and vomiting. In general, acute toxicity occurs at doses of 25,000 IU/kg of body weight, with chronic toxicity occurring at 4,000 IU/kg of body weight daily for 6–15 months. Hairfinity contains only 8150 IU, then it's safe.

In conclusion: Even if Hairfinity vitamins contain vitamins that exceed the percent daily value, we see that except the vitamin A, they are water-soluble vitamins, the excess can be easily eliminated in urine. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, but the percent daily value in Hairfinity is safe.

avis sur Hairfinity

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ingredients and daily value in Hairfinity vitamins

I have done some researches on the ingredients in Hairfinity vitamins and the daily value. When I saw on the bottle that some vitamins exceed the daily value, I was afraid of vitamins overdose. You should always read carefully the label of a product if you want to put it in your body.

The ingredients in Hairfinity vitamins are:  Vitamins A, C, D,  a complex of vitamins B included biotin, MSM , calcium, gelatin, silica ... All these ingredients are very powerful to boost your hair growth.

Ingredients and daily value

The daily value on nutritional food labels determines what percentage of the particular nutrient requirements you are consuming in each serving of that food. The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet for healthy adults.

On Hairfinity's label, we see that the serving size is 2 capsules. For example when you take your 2 pills daily, they give you 8150 IU of vitamin A a day, that means that Hairfinity's two pills give you 163% of vitamins A that you need for the day, since the FDA estimates that you need 5,000 IU of vitamins A per day. Then, Hairfinity gives you more that vitamins A that you need.

How do the daily value is calculated in Hairfinity vitamins?

To calculate the daily value of a nutriment, you need to do the following:

Take the amount of the specific nutriment that you are measuring in each serving (for example: vitamins A = 8150 IU). 
2) Determine how much of the nutrient is required for your diet by using a FDA daily value chart, that you can find online (for example: vitamins A= 5,000 IU). 
3) Divide the amount of nutrient in Step 1 by the requirement found in Step 2
4) And we multiply the number by 100.

If we want to find the percentage of daily value of vitamins A in Hairfinity: (8150:5000) X 100= 163.

Note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not set a Daily Value for MSM, Gelatin, Silica. Then, the daily value can't be established.

avis sur Hairfinity

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Does Hairfinity really work?

When I was researching for a good hair vitamins, and I stumbled upon Hairfinity, my first question was: Does Hairfinity really work?

That a legitimate question to ask when considering buying hair vitamins. There are a lot of scams out there and you need to be careful.

Nobody wants to spend money on something that doesn't work during this tough economy. There are so many products out there that don't deliver what they claim. What you should trust Hairfinity?

Hairfinity vitamins are not magic pills, you have to take them along with a good hair regimen. If you do that, I guarantee that you will see results.

Does Hairfinity really work? Yes, it does.

Let's watch another video testimonial about Hairfinity vitamins.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My hair growth with Hairfinity

I am on a mission to grow out my hair. I usually cut my hair short every year but I've stopped since August 2010. I really want to know the maximal length of my hair. I wanted to see fast results, so I did an extensive research about hair growth aids and I found Hairfinity vitamins.

I decided to buy one bottle to give it a try even if I didn't believe all the claims. I was very skeptical at the beginning, but I bought Hairfinity vitamins anyway. To be honest, I didn't expect to see length in one month but I just wanted some healthy hair to start with.

I was positively shocked when I saw my hair after two weeks of using Hairfinity. Not only, my hair was healthier but I had retained a great amount of hair on my head. Only in two weeks, I saw the results. When I saw the fast results, I decided to buy some more Hairfinity vitamins.

You can YouTube Hairfinity reviews to watch several positive reviews. And go to their official Facebook page to see hundreds of unsolicited testimonies of "before" and "after" from satisfied customers.

Here is a Hairfinity review on YouTube that helps me in my decision to try Hairfinity vitamins.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Growing long hair


I have been researching every material, every product and every method to make my hair grow longer for years. Growing long hair is a process, it's not something that happens overnight. It takes some action, determination, patience and perseverance to achieve goals.

Each hair takes about 2 to 6 years before it reaches its maximum growth level and there are lots of things that can maximize the potential of your hair growing cycle.

Eat right, exercise, gets lots of sleep help you to maximize your own personal hair growth potential. Growing long hair requires focus and commitment. There are a lot of factors that influence hair growth: genetics, hormones, diet, stress, exercise, medicine, hair care ...

The diet plays a major role in hair growth. Eating the proper foods that contain all the needed nutriments to hair growth will help, but the food we eat in a daily basis don't always supply all our needs. Then, it's important to take some supplements alone with a good hair regimen for growing long hair.

My hair growth has considerably increased when I found the right vitamins.

What Is Hairfinity All About ?

What Is Hairfinity?

Hairfinity is a hair vitamins for faster growth. To be precise, Hairfinity  is a registered trademark of Brock Beauty Inc. Brock Beauty Inc. is a natural hair and beauty company based in Slidell, LA. Hairfinity hair vitamins claims to boost your hair growth rate by up to 200% and give you about one inch per month along with a hair care regimen that will eliminate breakage.

So, if you are desperate to grow long hair, then you should read my honest review about Hairfinity.

Hairfinity is one of the most popular hair growth vitamins. The most potent and effective formula on the market. While many companies sell hair vitamins and promise longer stronger hair in a month simply from using hair vitamins alone, Hairfinity provides a great amount of free information to educate people on how to grow long and healthy hair on their website.

What Does Hairfinity Claim?

Hairfinity claims their vitamins can boost hair growth along with a hair care regimen that will eliminate breakage. Hairfinity vitamins increase the natural anagen (growth phase). Most of their customers report 3/4 to 1 inch per month of growth. However, growth rates can vary. Hairfinity will equip you with all the tool you can think of to reach your hair goals. HairFinity offers FREE customized hair care regimens without any purchase on their website, to determine any other issues that may limit your hair growth.

Does Hairfinity Work?

The results will depend on your personal situation, your determination and ability to follow a good hair regimen and taking Hairfinity vitamins. If you go to their website and Facebook page, you will see a growing amount of unsolicited testimonials with "before" and "after" pictures.

Visit Hairfinity website.